Our company has the experience necessary to take advantage of the oil and gas investment opportunities and help protect investors against potential risks.

At the core of our unique value proposition is a clear set of strategic priorities for cash flow. We focus on proven development that has the ability for continued growth. Our oil and gas investment strategies allow us to increase our potential to increase value for our partners and investors and build legacy assets for the future. We have created a platform for investors to invest in our oil and gas business and have the ability to diversify their portfolio. Our strategies consist of distribution, marketing and supply of petroleum products such petrol, diesel and gas, bulk products and storage equipment such as gas cylinders and tanks.

Oil and gas industry is a unique, sustainable, profitable and scale-able sector of the economy. It has been the most sustainable and productive industry. We propose to pay out 30 to 40 percent of cash from operations to shareholders annually through the dividends.

You are welcome to contact us for inquiry on investment opportunities in our company:

Phone: +234 (0) 8162243816
Email: info@oriche.com